eV Mobility

Sunpawa is developing broad partnership to engage in the innovation, assembly and infrastructure
development for the electric vehicles.
Our EV business model is to change the way vehicles are owned and used. We extend value of choice,
environmental sustainability and cost to every person while offering transport for convenience and comfort
without users necessarily putting the high upfront capex for ownership.
Our Transport-As-a-Service Solutions offer Affordable Cost and leverage on Smart Zero-Carbon-Grid
Technology and innovative Clean Energy Station Networks.

EV-Transport As-A-Service
Our EV Mobility portfolio comprises of:-
1. EV cars, ev-boda boda, ev-Bikes etc
2. Green Energy Stations-EV Charging & Battery Changing infrastructure
3. EV Manufacturing /Assembly Lines
4. EV-iHubs-Innovation Spaces for EV & ITS incubations, trainings and technology transfers
5. EV-as-a-Service hailing services